Sunday, 10 April 2011

Operational Excellence, Customer Intimacy, Product/Service Leadership

Pick TWO

Draw these into a triangle and circle two:  Product leadership and Operational Excellence, let’s take these 2; what company looks like this?  It is an organization that is looking for the big infrastructure (communications) buyer and then to capture as many individuals within that organization, for example Microsoft.  The individual is not the main focus in the transaction.  Annoyed at times? Yes, Oh well!  And yet our organization buys the product each time there is a version change, and hence they are strong product leaders.

Take Customer Intimacy and Product/Service Leadership; Well, this is not Microsoft!  Here, this organization is seeking to gain us one-by-one, focusing not on the internal workings of the company (process, process, process) but on the customer and that customers' needs.  By the way, Leaders of a company like this are highly experienced business people.  How about National Car Rental, they let the busy business traveler walk past the counter, pick a car of their choosing and drive out, with the check-out taking less than one minute.  I love National because their service is focused on "busy business traveler"!   Customer Intimacy is all about getting to know what it is your customer wants and then delivering.  I can tell you that when 2 or 3 flights arrived around the same time, most travelers are waiting for the bag and thinking .... "get my bag, and hot-foot-it to the rental counter", believing they may out-pace 3 slow walkers for sure.

I hated standing at a long counter, waiting to be given a car....   Gee, "Thanks, my Grandpa's car will be just fine!"  But I love the National way and how they put the customer in charge.

An organization cannot be all things to all people, so ask your customer, or potential customer, what they want, pick a strategy and stay on the road.


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