Thursday, 11 April 2013

Time to Stop Exploiting Unpaid Interns

I understand that young graduates are eager to launch their careers and what better way to show your prospective employers your skills than as an Intern.

The role of an intern is not new – in fact student interns work closely with their academic supervisor and a participating organization for years.  What is new is how this role is changing due to the external environment – “hard times/recession”.  When times are tough employers are using this tactic of “Unpaid Internship” inappropriately as free labour versus participating with academia in a supporting/community service role.

Talented graduates need employment – hell - a worker a Tim Horton’s or McDonalds is valued more as they are paid minimum wage.  We have employment laws in this country and the little loophole is being exploited.  Students today are actively seeking a paying summer job, and sadly, the incentive is for them to find employment in the service industry - the loss befalls to you.  You will not experience the talent that they offer and you are only delaying their work experience.    Think about this:  Would you rather hire a graduate with specific work experience or one who worked their way through school by working at a bar/restaurant because they could not afford to take an unpaid internship?  Employers are missing the opportunity to see and enrich the student.

Remember back to when you were a college/university student…..  And how good did it feel to land a summer job!

Value those who are bettering themselves and pay them to provide value to your business.