Saturday, 29 September 2012

The Hype Cycle
Gartner’s annual maturity assessment of technologies and information technology trends ( is something I like to follow- the cost is crazy but if you can wait, it will find its way to analysts who write about these companies and their technologies.  Organizations can use the Hype Cycle for decision making that will maximize impact and value.  Looking at a “smart phone” hype cycle, the makers of Black Berry can clearly see that what lies ahead of this organization maybe too steep to conquer (my opinion).  The makers of BB are in need of a name change, and technology insertion that is in keeping with future technology needs (note – “future”); but lets stay with understanding impact of "hype".
The “hype” today is BB10, BB10 – What happens when a product is talked about in anticipation of a launch?  The expectation goes up.  What happens when it fails to live up to the excitement?  The “trough of disillusionment” follows and then it is likely over.  I am sure the makers of BB10 are worried about whether they do in fact have the “technology trigger”, that… one thing that will launch BB back into technology-respect or if it will hit the trough, the downward slippery slope.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Managing to a Manic Market and Low Volatility
I am starting to see a change in tmarket condition, couple that with a low volatility and there is an opportunity for the market condition to change.
My Business Partner and Economist, Mike Tucker, purports that there are nine market conditions based on, of course, Supply & Demand fundamentals and what then happens to Price and Quantity demanded can be the difficult question to answer.
So, business leaders….  It is time to be on your toes for the next quarter.  Low volatility in a manic market (up/down) and recessionary global activity has me concerned that the market (1 of 9) may be about to change and Leaders need to recognize and respond accordingly.
I am looking at a change in Demand (reduced), where supply remains robust – Price will go down and quantity demanded will be questionable.  Another market condition is a change in Demand (reduced) and supply follows; Quantity demanded will go down and Price becomes questionable – can the market hold its asking Price?
Remember, low volatility is the clue here….
Today, at some point... give pause to those who died on 9/11; having spent more than a decade working in aerospace and defence I am grateful to those who serve in uniform and who provide services and equipment.