Sunday, 13 November 2011

Is your organization exhibiting the Dilbert Phenomenon? Employ these 3 skills and watch your organization become limitless.

Is there a disconnection between organizational rhetoric and reality?  If so, then your “people” are exhibiting the Dilbert Phenomenon.  The popular comic strip by Scott Adams continually shows organizations that their employees do not necessarily buy the corporate idioms.   This creates a culture of second guessing and cubicle chatter, “Why?” you wonder, because smart contributing employees are being dismissed by the leader’s actions.  This may be unintentional or it could very well be intentional as he/she drives the annual operating plan forward - - watch your toes as this leader is driving the plan and nothing else!
Leaders do need to communicate the vision and reinforce to all that employees are the most important asset the organization has, so why the cynicism?  Well, I suspect that some of the basics have been forgotten so let’s do these three things in order.
ü  Listen
ü  Learn
ü  Lead

Listen, Learn and Lead sounds so simple, and it is, but its success requires time and a lot of it.  Today, more and more employees feel like they are not being heard and for the most part they are not (check out “iManage”, issue #021).  As a leader, sometimes we do not want to hear it, then have to deal with it.  Listening is the hardest thing for leaders to do because it detracts us from so many other pressing duties.  A part of your day should be spent listening - Listening to employees and listening to customers – period.  This level of engagement can only help earnings!
Next, ask yourself “What have I learned?”   Here to, we fail to appreciate what has been said because we are not listening and the result is nothing changes.  Wow, nothing like listening only to let your actions say “dismiss” as you simply carry on.  When you listen effectively you will hear common themes…. This is the learning.
I wonder:
  • Does someone have an idea?   That could also be a great idea….
  • When I hear, “Why do we do it this way?”  A process problem may exist…
  • A customer has an issue?  And a similar concern has been raised by 50 other customers.  This is particularly interesting as we have all heard these words from a service provider "..This call maybe recorded for training purposes."  AND, lets not forget, to see if service & support problems exist.
  • I cannot do any more, I am overloaded - yet as the leader you "ya but" or says "I am swamped too" - - What does that mean?  This action confirms that the individual does not matter.
This is where you learn and you in turn lead by making the changes.  When Listen, Learn and Lead become apart of your skillset you will see an increase in the value of your intangible assets; as employees with "oomph" is an organization that is now limitless.  Listen – Learn - - then Lead.
Try it and watch your organization change and become truly high performing.